Like hypertension, it is prefer those pursue fast-paced lives, therefore become the world's
most widely prevalent diseases, has affected the world's 10 million people.
- 高血压的 “三高” 与 “三低” "3 high" & "3 low" of hypertension
“三高” 是指 患病率高,致残率高,死亡率高
"3 high" means High prevalence, high morbidity, high mortality
“三低” 是指 知晓率低,治疗率低,控制率低
"3 low" means Low awareness, treatment rate is low and control rate is low
- 高血压的征兆 Signs of high blood pressure
The clinical manifestations of hypertension, often from person to person, due to illness varies.
At first, some patients may not have any symptoms, and some like neurosis, such as do not measure blood pressure easy to cause misdiagnosed.
Particular concern is the patient's symptoms are not necessarily proportional to the level of blood pressure.
Some patient's blood pressure is not too high, but have a lot of symptoms; and although some patient's blood pressure is high, but symptoms are less obvious. Most early hypertension may not have any symptoms.
Suffering from high blood pressure whether have or no symptoms depends on the level of blood pressure , without damage to internal organs and individual tolerance.
If nervous, emotional excitement or after exertion will cause dizziness, headache, vertigo, tinnitus, insomnia, fatigue or lack of concentration and other symptoms, the mostcommon cause which is hypertension.
- 高血压病的基本辅助检查 Basic laboratory examinations of hypertension
- 肾功能评价 Evaluation of renal function
- 血糖测定 Blood glucose determination
- 检查有无高钙血症 Check for hypercalcemia
- 血尿酸水平 Serum uric acid level
- 血清胆固醇和甘油三酯的测定 Determination of serum cholesterol and triglycerides
- 心电图检查 Electrocardiogram examination
- X线胸片检查 X ray chest film examination
- 超声心动图检查 Echocardiography examination
- 血压水平的定义和分类 Definition and classification of blood pressure
Ideal blood pressure
收缩压Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) <120
舒张压Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) <80
Normal blood pressure
收缩压Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) <130
舒张压Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) <85
Normal high value
收缩压Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 130~139
舒张压Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 85~89
1st stage hypertension (mild)
收缩压Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 140~159
舒张压Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 90~99
2nd stage hypertension (moderate)
收缩压Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 160~179
舒张压Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 100~109
3rd stage hypertension (severe)
收缩压Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) ≥180
舒张压Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) ≥110
- 高血压患者要经常测量血压 Always measure blood pressure in patients with hypertension!
In general, high blood pressure in hypertensive patients, often feel dizziness, headache, fatigue and so on.
However, some patients with hypertension or blood pressure due to the long in thehigher volatility situation, the state will gradually adapt to high blood pressure, dizziness and other symptoms are not obvious.
If did not measure the blood pressure from time to time and use medicine guidance, it will trigger in some incentives, it is very likely to occur heart, brain, kidney and other serious complications,even life-threatening.
According to reports, brain hemorrhage caused by hypertension 70%, which can not check the blood pressure regular be accounted for 8 percent. Thus, regular testing of blood pressure in patients with hypertension usually how important it is.
- 怎样准确地测量血压? How to measure blood pressure accurately?
Do not measure the blood pressure while in the toilet, meetings, exercise, eating, smoking,drinking wine/beer, drinking coffee and the cold within 30 minutes. Measure blood pressure need to keep calm, keep quiet room about more than 5 minutes.
Sitting blood pressure as the standard, when measured the upper arm, the sleeves not to be oppressed, palms up, do not make a fist, maintain the level arm position with the heart, and body angle of 45 degrees.
After the first measurement of blood pressure may repeat test in interval of 2 minutes and test for 2 more times, recording each of the measured blood pressure values. Take at least 2 blood pressure readings as average as the final measured blood pressure values.
- 使用什么样的血压计好? What type of Sphygmomanometer has a good effect?
Sphygmomanometer sold on the market today is divided into mercury column sphygmomanometer and electronic (no liquid) sphygmomanometer two broad categories. Mercury column sphygmomanometer large in size and inconvenient to carry.
Electronic sphygmomanometer smaller, portable, easy to use also, almost anyone canuse it , as a popular measurement for self-check blood pressure of hypertension patients.
Doctors are using the mercury column sphygmomanometer, is because the blood pressure is according to the height of mercury column as standard blood pressure, mercury column sphygmomanometer is measure the blood pressure accurately.
Carring tips:
Electronic sphygmomanometer and other type of sphygmomanometer are based on mercury column sphygmomanometer as standard design. Because of their different sensitivity ,the values of blood pressure that measured by mercury column sphygmomanometer and other sphygmomanometer are always different.
Generally, recommended to use automatic or semi-automatic upper arm sphygmomanometer and is not recommended for wrist or finger-type sphygmomanometer.